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Why You’re Not Growing On Social Media As An Independent Artist



The Reason

Alright so if you’re an independent artist and you’re not really growing on social media right now, it’s probably because of this one thing…

You’re not showing up for your audience enough.

The Problem

A lot of artists want to do the norm and just put out mixtapes and singles, or whole albums…projects that take a lot of investment of your time, money, and energy.

The thing is… you’re not going to always get back what you put in when you’re just starting out. You don’t have a large enough audience yet.

We’re in the internet age, which unfortunately means we all kind of have shorter attention spans. So, if you can’t resonate with a lot of people (aka a huge audience/following) all at once, it’s unlikely that what you put out will have any lasting impact…which means you’re not going to grow very fast, or very much.

The Solution

So, what you need to do is figure out something that is lower quality (for lack of a better term) that takes less time and less energy to create. That way, you can put out MORE content for your audience MORE often.

You can create low-effort content such as: song-in-progress videos, inspirational/motivational quotes or video messages, selfie verses or hooks, clips of you listening to beats, even tips for other artists.

The point is, these are all things that don’t require a huge budget or a lot of your time. It’s basically stuff you can create on-the-go with just you and your smartphone that is still interesting on a personal level and would work for social media.

Here’s An Example

It’s kind of like boxing.

You don’t want to be taking haymakers swings, or trying to throw knockout punches at the beginning of the match.

No. First, you want to kind of wear your opponent down with some jabs…make them tired so that your target is more accessible for the big swing.

In your case, familiarize your audience faster by putting out LOTS of low-effort content first…and THEN you can drop your mixtape, album, single, or any of those other projects that take up a lot of your time and energy.

Here’s the breakdown of that boxing analogy!

  • Opponent = Your Audience
  • Jabs = Low Investment Content
  • Wear Down Opponent = Familiarize Your Audience
  • Big Swing/Knockout Punch = Drop a Mixtape, Album, Single,  or Music Video


Until you have built a significantly large audience (over 5,000 fans/followers) you need to make up for it in the quantity of content you put out, which means it can’t always be a song you recorded, or a music video you shot, or a show you’re performing. Save those for the big crowd when you want to make money from your music.

In the meantime, continue you to create and distribute low-effort content CONSISTENTLY and watch your social media fanbase grow!


What social platform do you market your music/brand on the most? Let me know in a comment below”!

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